Saturday, October 08, 2005

I feel important

Just think--right at this very second, what I am typing is having some kind of impact.

Geez...I'm going to go turn on C-SPAN...

The Importance of Being Blogging

And get it right, you searchy-type people; I said that this Winter, a blue-based pink will be the New Black. Now go make Dubya a suit. Chop, chop.



Smento said...

You should feel important! Just tread carefully with the C-SPAN, OK? I've seen what it can do to a person, and it's not pretty.

ancodia said...

lol! In my fantasies, I'll go watch C-SPAN, and some one will be yap-yapping away when an aide runs up, holding out a printout of one of my posts, saying "Sir! Sir! We can't address the Miers issue yet! Squooshable has just lost his last baby fang!"

Or, better yet, "Sir! Sir!! You must *urgently* address the issue of the lack of superheroes in Baltimore! Where do you stand on the hiring of Sporkgirl, Sir?"

Well, okay, maybe it won't happen like that *exactly*... :-D