Monday, January 09, 2006

Imaginary Author Update

Well, crap.  JT Leroy is a hoax.  You fricking bastiges.  

I mean, I like the writing.  I like the writing even though it is (apparently) total fiction, drawing upon nothing but imagination.  They are magnificent works on their own merit, but...

I hate being suckered.  

And yes, I would have read them anyway.  And yes, I would have thought they were wonderful anyway.

But…I felt for you, JT, you non-existent person fictional Ancodia-fooling weenie-boy.  You were one of my favourite celebrities.  You were one of my passwords at Eviljob.  You were the reason I switched stations as I drove through Minnesota and Wisconsin after Thanksgiving so that I could hear your interview on Fresh Air three times.  That’s three times, my imaginary friend—THREE.  

We had good times, JT.  I will still read your stuff, but…I feel gypped somehow.  

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