Tuesday, August 23, 2005

'cos I've seen blue skies through the tears in my eyes...

This has been From Hell. Fun, but From Hell. I was originally going to post via phone when I had downtime (after it occurred to me, a few days into this trip), because Meg talked me out of bringing my laptop since she was bringing hers. But then she turns out to be a total Laptop Nazi; she keeps asking me what I'm doing! Bwaah! And then I just became too busy! I had a post that was deleted by my stupid phone, and after that I just gave up. Too much going on. I have literally not stopped for a week solid. My stuff went ok; I got to hear and meet cool people, and blah, blah, blah. And now it's over. Thank the lord for small mercies. Westward ho the wagons, and all that. Hang in there, Squooshable; I'm coming!


Smento said...

It's good to see you post again. I missed your writing!

ancodia said...

Awww!!! {{{{{{{{Samantha}}}}}}}}