Saturday, April 22, 2006

Bank Bastiges.

Wow…nice of my bank to warn me. Nurse Betty sent this to me; *this* is why I had to get a new check card. I am SO pissed off; this means that I will have to find out when it happened, and go through my account transactions from that point. And I will be responsible for $500 of it over my stone cold dead body! As if I have time to go through all that. Damn it. I need to go back there and scream at Mr Mikey. They should have warned me, not fricking ABC News. And I think that I am going to tell them just that.

In Kitty News, Mehitabel is hiding from me. I know that she thinks that I am going to steal her babies (which I am), but…it’s kind of cute. As someone pointed out, in her eyes, I am this horrible velociraptor who keeps stealing her Perfectly Good Babies. Damn me. :-) But I left another huge bunch of food out for her, since I probably won’t make it by Sunday.

And for what it's worth, Georgie Porgie can be evicted from one's brain by a really fierce application of Space Tribe. Now *that* is information that belongs in a survival manual.

I am still drowning, and had really better get back to work.


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