Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just you and me, eating fudge banana swirl...

testcardgirl, originally uploaded by Ancodia.

Just you and me,
We'll travel 'round the world,
Just you and me, testcardgirl...

Bwaah! Two down (kinda), one left. I saved the big, mean, ugly one for last. Woo-hoo!

Oh, I am so fried. And tired of all the bullcrap. Sheesh. I have to write a whole section that a particular orker of cows was supposed to do, then decided he dinna wanna. Grrr... Everyone has choices but me; has anyone else noticed that?!? BWAAH!

Keep it up, and I'll sic Test Card Girl on you; I think she likes me. She'd prolly mess you up bad. :-P


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