Thursday, September 07, 2006

Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C!

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by Ancodia.

...doesn't she look a lot like Squooshable? She is *so* loving! She just likes to cuddle and purr, and when I stop her from going somewhere, she obeys and just sits down. Mehitabel's babies have such nice personalities! I cannot believe this little thing bit my finger and made it all swollen and numb (yeah, it's still numb and tingly/electric-y feeling; I think she hit a nerve). She didn't even give Dr Vet or Zack The Tech the least bit of crap about the blood draw, fecal sampling, lymph node poking, ear canal looking, or anything. I am (still) working, right now talking to one of my new Job II's post-octopi (we have a few of them in this group), trying to get a better idea of what in the hell is going on.

I spend a lot of time anymore wondering what in the hell is going on.


I have to get back to work, but this photo wouldn't post from my phone yesterday for some reason.

Anybody want a kitten? She's a nice kitten!

No, really.

I guess I could take a break in a little bit and go try to catch another one, as long as it doesn't go over an hour. Sigh. I can't focus anyway, so it's not as if I am truly accomplishing anything.

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