Saturday, September 16, 2006

No, really--I am still alive.

I have meant to write something all week, but things have been pretty hectic.  It is taking a lot of work to get my crap together for the New Job II.  I am still not certain of where the new hiding place for the kittens is, and I will go out tomorrow and try to look.  The problem is that I have something due Monday and can’t stay for too long.  I am getting less and less optimistic about getting a majority of this litter.  

But Rhett Butler Kittypants (Mummers named him) and Cookie Kittypants are doing wonderfully, and Cookie has a huge crush on Squooshable.

Though who doesn’t, really?

I am actually working right now; I am trying to pull a crapload of articles, and I am EXHAUSTED.  In order to catch the kittens when they are out, I will have to be there at sunrise or sunset, it seems; any other time, they are nowhere to be seen.  

Okay; I *have* to get back to work right now; if I can get the stuff I need to get done finished off tomorrow, I swear that I will write more.  



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