Friday, September 29, 2006


I have been told that Mehitabel had two kittens—one grey and one black—out with her the other day, and stopping by Eviljob on the way home from Job II to feed the kitties last night, I saw one of the black tuxes (and I fed it), so that makes three that are accounted for.  I have to catch them, but at least they are accounted for.  I will see what I can do this weekend, though I just had a major re-write foisted upon me that has to be done this weekend.  Gah.  

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful; I could really *feel* Autumn kicking in.  :-)  And with the kittens still out, and Mehitabel uncaught, and me so swamped, I feel guilty as hell saying it, but…I am happy.  Things are *good*.  

I like my new Job II.  I LOVE my new office (it has a gorgeous view!).  I like my new co-workers (some of them are quirky, but it is a *livable* quirkiness).  I finally feel as if I am doing what I want to do, and working with People Who Care on Things That Matter.  

About damn time.

And I realise this all as I am driving home, looking at one of the most gorgeous sunsets.



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