Saturday, September 02, 2006

Stop the insanity!!

Help. I am at the end of my rope. I showed up early at Eviljob, and
my friend in Security told me that i had 'just missed them'. Who?
Mehitabel. And her four kittens. FUCK! She's been hiding from me so
well that i didn't know she was pregnant, even. So i looked where
Donna said they were, and if i hadn't seen it myself, i wouldn't have
believed it. Mehitabel has DUG a HOLE underneath a shrubbery
arrangement, and is keeping her babies in the hole! And it's a deep
hole! And it's not straight--it curves UNDER the shrub! I am AMAZED!
Ok. I am tired of typing on my phone. More later. I have to go buy
mackerel. And cry.

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