Friday, April 08, 2005

So true...

I order things online; eBay, Amazon, addall, even Zout delivered directly from Dial Corp ('cos they don't carry it around here unless I want to go into some really gross stores), and anytime I win prezzies at Eviljob (in your bestest Queenie voice, say "Ooohhh! Prezzies!!"), we order from a website that ships to us.

The box is inevitably at least slightly bent. One foot spa thingy I got was Crushed Beyond Recognition, such that I had to return it. The pictures at this site had me laughing hysterically--now I know I'm not alone (the way I am, I was taking it personally, of course. Ok, well, not totally personally). I especially *loved* the descriptions with the pictures; I myself have wondered about "Mongo, the Package and Feces Hurling Gorilla", as well as why the employees of a certain parcel delivery service feel the need to "sneak up to the house like damn ninjas so you never hear them when they leave that little yellow slip of failure to deliver". S'true.

I'm still working on MO. I'm halfway through the revisions. Yay. There are enough artistically-licensed pauses in there that I'm sure the rest can be surmised.

The whole thing about Rilya Wilson has me very upset. Very angry, really. Kids and animals should be off-limits to have such hideous things happen to them. Sometimes hearing about these cases, or looking through is enough to make me cry.

No, Ancodia doesn't look through because she's a murder junkie.

I do it because of one of my pet projects when I have free time (ha, ha, ha). I don't think I'm ever going to solve any does, but I do think that the reconstruction aspect could be made less aversive-looking, thereby not actively discouraging people from looking at a picture long enough to decide if they might have seen (or know) the person. I think that certain aspects of reconstruction discourage inspection because they appear...well, aversive (I know I've said that, but it's the most appropriate word) as a result of "unnatural" features, scale, or posing. Someday (hopefully by the end of the year), I would like to get something quantifiable, in the sense of a study, contrasting what they're doing (well, many of them) versus what I'm talking about. I think the same could be proven for voices too, but that's an even longer explanation, and a different project (at least at first). But that would definitely be something I had to do on my own I think, at least until I can investigate it further and change my mind about the whole thing. :-) But I think that it would be worth it. Regardless, I have a lot to learn, and I may be completely wrong, or it may be that whether I'm wrong or not is immaterial, because the way it's done is the way that it has to be done because of Reason X. And all of this interest is subsumed under an overarching interest (no, not murder), so I could ramble on for ages, but won't because it's probably boring to anyone but me.

So I guess we'll see.

Our meetings today went ok. :-) Sophie left early (darn), Fluffernut was absent (double darn), Nastypants was acting somewhat normal, and not only did RCG have an extended talk (throughout which I got to stare at him legitimately--peripheral vision simply doesn't do him Justice), but New Guy was there, too--right next to RCG, so it was like score! time. Yes, I know I'm pathetic. New Guy is the one I'd like to adopt; academically, of course. And not on anything weird like the above; I already have another project that's paid for by The Man (I'm obfuscating here again) and just has to be conducted, sealed, and delivered. Thank god for extended deadlines, 'cos that's Summer Project. If I don't get New Guy, I'll work by myself (did I mention that he kinda looks like a young Harrison Ford--just before HF got cute? Well...I said kinda. Now that I have A Reader, I'm self-conscious about drooling like an idiot). Because Scooter's off on his own stuff, Doogie might be leaving us and is collaborating with Fluffer besides (by force of our advisor; neither Doogie nor Fluffer consented to this union), and RCG is on a roll with Sophie (collaboratively, I mean; Sophie is happily married). Everyone else I would either not work with if you paid me, or is taken in some way. New Guy may be slated to be somewheres, but I'm owed help, which I'll not hesitate to mention in a week or so, when MO is finally put to bed. I might even pout.

Ok, maybe not pout.

Odds are, it won't happen anyway, because (1) I want it to and need help and never have gotten it yet (over three other projects for this thing we're doing), and (2) I'd *like* working with New Guy; this in and of itself means it probably won't happen.

The weird thing is, my foot hurts now after hiking to and from our meeting in heeled sandals. I can't figure out's like a crampy, tearing kind of pain that comes, gets really bad, then leaves. We have to hike to get to the meetings because of (lack of) parking, and it's annoying. Yet one more perq Eviljob has: Convenience is Job One. Maybe I need potassium, or something.

Ok...end of break, I need to get back to work.


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