Saturday, June 18, 2005


I got the last kitten. He's a he, and is at son-friend's right now. I was unable to capture Momcat, though I'll try again tomorrow. And the day after that, if need be.

He's a nice little kitten. He hisses, but doesn't bite or strike. :-) A paper tiger.

I wish I could have caught the black-and-white one (of whom there has been no sign in several days), and the other black one (who disappeared a few days ago). I will continue looking, of course.

At least I got two. :-) Momcat followed me all the way to my car, but wouldn't let me within five feet of her. It reminded me of Romeo's mom, when I took him. But I fed her a huge amount.

More later; I have to eat...for the first time today. Sigh.

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