Friday, June 03, 2005

Murder Death Kill!

Squoosh is adorable!

He graduated from playing Fingers a little bit ago. He says it's a goofy game now. If I really, *really* want to, he'll play it with me, though. If I must. Sometimes.

As he became tired of Fingers, he wanted to play Tai Chi. Don't ask--that's what my Mom named it. Tai Chi is like, full-contact Fingers. We want to wrestle. For hours. Tai Chi helps us hone our pouncing and wrestling skills to perfection.

In the past day or so, we've decided to take Tai Chi to the next level. We want to really *kill* that offending hand. Or foot. Or toy squeakymouse.

Enter the game of Murder Death Kill. And boy, we are in training to be one tough warrior. And we insist that tough warriors are not named "Squooshable". And tough warriors don't cuddle. And you don't go kissing on tough warriors.

I am *so* putting an end to his Arnold Schwarzenegger movie-watching.


Smento said...

OK, you *must* submit a photo of Mr. Cat if you have the means. I don't have a digital camera, but if I did my blog would be swimming with photos of Simon Sgt. Def Nip Shaddock. Don't hold back on us, Ancodia!

Smento said...

Incidentally, young Simon occasionally plays Commando Kitty, wherein he acts really tough and contorts his little kitty body into impossible positions to hunt string and other prey. Why Commando Kitty, you might ask? It all comes back to Arnold. Do you remember the movie with him, Rae Dong Chong and Alyssa Milano? One of the best blow-up-everything-in-sight action movies EVER.

ancodia said...

lol! Yes! I remember that one! And I had Squoosh out in the past few days (I think the day before yesterday? I forget), and he and I were watching Eraser on TV as I tried to get work done (yeah, right) and I swear--Squoosh was *watching* Eraser! He especially liked the explosion parts. Sigh. And then last night (?) he watched part of Total Recall before I realised Ahhnold is probably a bad influence and put him to bed. :-)

ancodia said...

And I will try to get a Squoosh photo up. I need to take some. :-) And then somehow figure out how to post them. It may take a few days, but I think I need to record the head-tilt for posterity--it's cute!