Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Leprechauns in the Gym

No, really. There are leprechauns in this guy's health club. I know all about it 'cos I listen to Coast to Coast AM. I have an enquiring mind like that. He was at the health club and, well, I didn't get to hear all of it 'cos I was thinking and rather zoned out for a sec, but he was at the health club and saw a short person and I think asked him if he was a leprechaun, or the short guy told him he was a leprechaun. How cool.

Now I'm wondering if that's like, some successful new pickup line for short gay guys. "Oh, sure...I'll tell you where the pot o'gold is; just bend over that bench for the nice leprechaun..."

God, I love this program. I have even ordered UFO Phil's CD, 'cos it has the song, Listening to Coast to Coast; that's an awesome song. :-)

And the latest edition of Skeptical Inquirer came in the mail today, too. How ironic...or is it?!?!


I'm holding off of talking about work-things for a while. Things are weird. Or, they're going weirdly. We'll see how it all works out, I suppose. Well, at Stupidjob at least--I'm not as used to Stupidjob. Things are weird at Eviljob, but things are always weird in one way or another there. Eviljob is a constant. Constant upheaval and unpredicatableness, but at least they're distracted by shiny objects easily. And I'm accustomed to it there, so whatever's up I'm not too, too concerned about. Nine-point-five out of ten times, it never is Ancodia-affecting, anyway.

Isabella and Mistar are doing well; Momcat has vanished. I guess she has gone off to live her carefree, kittenless life. I will still look for her, put food out and make every effort to catch her, because I'd rather she not be flotsam and jetsam on the stormy seas, as it were, but for now she's off. I hope scampering happily through the forest around Eviljob. Probably at least half of the large complex Eviljob is in is forest. Maybe there was originally supposed to be a lot more buildings built and all of that was scrapped after the economy took a dump, or maybe this was their plan. I have no idea. But there are deer, rabbit (rabbits?), foxes (what in the hell is the plural of fox? Fox? Foxes? Foxen? I dunno, you know, who knows?), turtles, and all manner of beast. Probably even a Bigfoot or two. If anyone brings it up, I'm swearing that I've seen sick, hot yak in there also. Right next to The Eviljob Enterprises building, there are two lake-y like pond-y things. Bodies of water; I'm not up on water nomenclature. All I know is that they aren't saltwater, or marine, pond-y things. And I've wanted an office with a view of one of them for forever.

For one brief, shining moment, I had one. Then for whatever reason, it became urgently urgent that our little happy cluster move. I personally think it was a scheme by another workgroup to take some good offices, but then I'm a cynic. And then I changed positions, and kissed the hopes of having another nice view bye-bye. At least for a while, I thought at the time. Now, I and another person (who is actually My Invisible Coworker 'cos she left, but that's a long story) have exactly half of a no-window'd office that we share with someone else whom we never see. "We" being, of course, myself and my Invisible Coworker. My Invisible Coworker and I keep very different hours from him for the most part; I actually talk to his wife more than I do him. She calls and I answer, 'cos it would suck to get voicemail all of the time. She likes it when I take messages for him and stickynote them to his monitor if it's not urgent, and if it's urgent, she can call his cell. He designs things--think of something like how finished presentations will look--and he leaves stuff for me on Friday afternoons that I get on Saturdays; they're usually things like which font looks better, which colour looks better, which whatever looks better. All three-minute things, mostly. He then turns around and I'm sure says that he's sampled opinions in our facility. :-)

Oh, hell...I've done it, too.

But when I need a nice view, I go and theft a cubicle-office in a corner that's completely abandoned on the weekends. And so I get to see the lake. Or pond. Or whatever. I don't know why I'm thinking about this, because bright-and-early tomorrow, I'm back in the no-window'd office. It's probably just one of those weird longings I get sometimes.

One of the nice (?) things Eviljob does do is what I like to think of as an "outreach" program. :-) They hire on underprivileged children as slave labour...

Ok, ok...they hire recent high school grads, I think like twelve a year, to spend the summer interning, so that we have the opportunity to pervert their little minds before they go off to college. It's supposed to be all glamourous. Heh. They're often like, the only ones I get along with well. Well, not really. In truth, I more often than not don't or can't take the time to talk to them much, if at all, and they're rarely actually in our department (at least the one I'm currently in). But a few times, there've been a few that I get along with well; this year, there's a really nice girl who, in addition to Eviljob, is also working at a movie theatre part time. I told her she was one hard-working heifer. :-) She's saving the money up for college, I think; I try not to pry too much into the finances of others. But she was telling me about the first day Madagascar was showing--how the lobby of the theatre was filled with kids, all screaming, "I WANNA SEE THE HIPPOS!!!!!!!!!!!!" :-) I can empathise with that; I wanna see the hippos, too. I can also empathise with being in the "I hate kids" phase of your life, and being waist-deep in a horde of them. :-) Her facial expressions are hilarious.

I've seen enough previews for Madagascar that it's on my To-See List. But then again, others have been on that list, and I've failed miserably. But this movie has penguins! I love penguins. They are, beyond all doubt, my favourite animal. So I have to find the time to slink away and see Madagascar. Somehow.

And tomorrow I also have to find out what's become of the other professor--the one with whom I wrote in for the grant. Sigh. I hate feeling as if I'm tracking people down, but I had sent an email on I think Thursday or Friday requesting a meeting, and I've not heard anything yet. He's a stellar guy, definitely on the back of the frying pan, but he's overloaded and so am I; I hope we get the grant, and can make a good work of this whole thing. ::fingers crossed:: Here's to us both not being distracted by shiny, moving things.



Anonymous said...

I heard the Leprechaun story too. Btw, thanks for buying my CD.

ancodia said...

OMG... Eek! Cool! :-D

No, I actually *can't* think of anything more intelligent to say.
