Thursday, June 30, 2005

Never a Dull Ancodia...mostly.

My ability to have opinions on things I don't even really give a damn about never fails to amaze me. I have strong opinions on what Oprah should do or not do, yet I don't watch her silly show, and don't own stock in Hermes, either. However, certain things like what my favourite kind of cake is...well, that actually never rated a single neuron's attention until today.

Who would have thought people have opinions on cake? Go figure. It's cake, for crying out loud. I mean, I can understand picking a slice of Red Velvet over german chocolate when presented with the choice, but does everyone but me actually carry around as part of their personal list of Themstuffs a favourite type of cake?

Cake is just...cake. It either sucks (in which case you don't eat it), or it doesn't (in which case you do eat it).

And german chocolate cake sucks, by the way.

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