Friday, June 10, 2005

Smile On You

Today didn't suck. :-) That's always welcome. Everything went mostly smoothly, I got to call Sophie a liar (albeit politely) to her face in a Most Public Manner (and gosh, don't I get the Chilly Shivs of Joy just thinking about it?), and we had a little Airing of The Truth today that I think did everyone a world of good. And the deadline for my *other* project was bumped-up to the 15th.

So that all rocks.

I got to call Sophie a liar because she is one. She said--no, promised--that she would do something so that she could be Ms Save-The-Day in public a few weeks ago, and then pulled a miniature disappearing act when it came time to actually come through on what she'd promised. The old, "I'm not going to answer my phone or email and hope you disappear" schtick. But I'd anticipated that and didn't count on her. :-) I guess the lack of negative feedback was rattling her cage and she just couldn't take the suspense of knowing whether she'd fucked me over for life or not by not doing her part, so she mentioned it today. I told her no, I was just peachy-keen, and was done with the one part she was supposed to contribute on. She started yapping about how she'd had a bunch of voicemail and email problems, so if I had tried to get her that way, that's why I had not been able to. Ummm...yeah. Sure. It was nervous talking, because I'd just politely smiled and answered her; I hadn't asked where she'd been, or why she'd not called me back. I just smiled *meaningfully* at her, and said, "Goodness; it sounds as if you have a lot of problems!" And gave her my Stellar Rapture Smile Of Beatific Bliss. You know--the one Mormons use when they're trying to convert you. Whether she caught the entendre or not is up for grabs but she did drop it, which makes me think yes.

tee hee.

And it was put on public record that I'm working alone, and that Octopi aren't normally paid for with taxpayers' money. Imagine that. And who told you the truth first? That would be me.

Along with a few other minor things that occurred, I was expecting to hear someone start screaming "Mercy!" :-) I hate myself when I find happiness in others' disappointments, but it's just so damn much fun. Especially when it's Sophie. And I'd said--long ago and politely--that I didn't think she could do something she was trying to do (as in Policy stopping her), but when I did try to intervene as the Voice of Reason, she just became so damn smug, with this attitude of I-know-something-or-someone-you-don't-and-the-rules-don't-apply-to-me shit that I just said ok and gave up. Well, guess what? She can't. And I tried to tell her damn close to a year ago. Loser.

This calls for a little Yello:

Thank you very very much ladies and gentlemen
You still are programmed
Of your local radio station
That's not just giving you another feature
We are presenting you the truth
The truth about human beings
The truth about human desire
The truth about human eyes
The truth about human faces
The truth about everybody
The truth about you

Ok... enough truth. :-) No one likes it anyway.

Squoosh has his final checkup tomorrow. Yay! I think he is better; the little Squooshnodes in his throat are no longer the size of lima beans. In addition to probably meaning he's better, that also means he makes less pig-noises when he eats. :-) But they were cute pig-noises.

I love that tiny almost-cat.

And I'm backed up again in everything over the weekend, but I don't mind. I'll wade through it all somehow. As always, I have a ton to type and read,'s okay. I'm fine with it. The deadline (that was the 10th) being pushed back to the 15th is wonderful. I'm just happy; these minor truths that came up have made me feel better. And all through it, RCG stayed quiet--as did I; I'll only languish in my victories here, not there--and I caught him looking at me a few times. It was too hard to tell if it was an "I can't believe you were right" look, or a "I can't believe you've manipulated this so that you win" look. But I didn't manipulate anything, although I'm sure Sophie would say differently. But hell--*I* didn't make up the Rules for everything. Anyone who is at all inclined towards reflection would arrive at this realisation; all the machinations I could possibly think up and set into motion wouldn't be half as bad as the plain old simple truth. So why should I bother? Exactly my point. And he'll either get it, or he won't.

But he's still damn cute.

I had better get some sleep, so that I can take Squooshable in on time tomorrow. And then type like a madwoman.

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