Monday, July 24, 2006

For all the Frauleins keeping score at home…

I forgot in the hullabaloo that was this past weekend to mention that there is—as of Friday—a fifth phone numbers station.  Same everything as before:  posted on Craigslist, to Mein Fraulein, with a phone number, blah, blah, woof, woof.

I should *so* be working right now and not distracting myself like this, but…I cannot help it!  BWAAH!  I am dying of curiosity—You People (you know who you are) cannot do this to me!  Wieners.  Dorko spy wanna-be, Ancodia-distracting wieners.  


I really *do* have to try to get this thingy I am working on finished.  After that, perhaps I can devote some time.  Grr.  


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