Tuesday, July 18, 2006

O crappy day... c'mon, sing with me! O crappy day...

Fed cat. Did not SEE cat, but fed cat. Beginning to think cat may be
able to become invisible at will. Walked through the back way to the
apartments, and was told that the property management still had not
decided over my letter. Need to quit sneaking back there during work
hours before Eviljob figures out that some days, they pay me for a
whole lot of fucking off. Well, by Eviljob's standards. Came back to
Eviljob to discover that, yes, life CAN actually get worse. No, it's
nothing bad to anyone but me. And i have no one to whine to, so of
COURSE i will whine here. Just later, when i'm not having to tap it
all out on this dumb phone. Sigh.

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