Thursday, July 27, 2006

What a difference a day makes...96 little hours...

...or so it feels.

Holy crap! Scads of things have happened in the past day, and I started a post about it, but I ran out of time. And from where I am right now, I can't pull it up to finish it. If I get back early enough from tonight's festivities, hopefully I can finish. Unless something else comes up. But first, this: Boys will be the downfall of America as we know it.

I thought it was interesting because it is really true. Especially the part about the crappy language skills in corporate America. I mean, I tested at an above-college reading level in grade 4, but I do English solely by ear--I really have no idea whether each sentence I am constructing is 'correct' or not; I just write as I would speak. More or less. So when I end up having better language skills than people who are making America's Major Corporate Decisions, well...there's a problem. At one point, I wanted to post some of the more ridiculous emails I've received, but it proved too difficult to cut out identifying aspects whilst still retaining the humour. Plus, I know that is a morally iffy thing to do, to post private communications for public perusal, no matter how damned funny they are. So I would have to essentially re-create the email, and for a lot of them, that's just too much like actual work. :-)

But it's bad--trust me. And right now I cannot spell check or really even proofread, so wouldn't it be all ironical and stuff if I were to make some really hideous gaffs just as I'm kvetching about others' skills? :-)


I will get my previously-started post up just as soon as I can, but everything and everyone is fine. It's just mostly random silliness, which really is a large percentage of my life. After I get finished with the crap I am currently doing, I am taking the rest of the day off and driving out of town to meet Nurse Betty at the mall. Yay. We haven't been able to keep to more frequent meetings for probably about the past year, 'cos Betty's oldest daughter's schedule has been crazy, and Betty traded out her mega-stress full time position at her hospital for a lower-stress position in erm...palliative care. She only does the hospital stuff part-time now, and it may sound odd to think that palliative care would be less stressful, but it really is. For Betty, at least. If nothing else, she gets subpoenaed a lot less (okay, that was a joke--it only happened once in the past few years, but it was this huge brouhaha and Betty was about to go batshit. No, not over anything Betty did--over something that happened external to her or anything she affected).


Just a little bit longer. Yay.


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