Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!

For anyone keeping track, the only thing missing on my street right now is the wail of an air raid siren.  

I have been beyond swamped.  I am actually fucking off right at the moment when I really should be pulling crap from a year ago to appease the gods at DURR, but I am over it.  In the past week, there have honestly been days where I didn’t get to sleep until sunrise.  Augh.  

Don’t get me wrong—this is, ultimately, good.  It means we are wanted, loved, and needed.  It means (eventually) money.  It means all good things.  But it is just a lot of fricking work, and I end up shouldering a lot of it, ‘cos I am the one with (1) all the archived stuff, and (2) the writing skills, and (3) I am a control freak.  Oh!   And—(4) I have a ‘renewed relationship’, as it were in one of my job situations.  Which is very good; it makes being there significantly more pleasant.  Significantly.

Ok.  I need to get back to work.  We’ll see how that goes.  :-)  I’m fried, you know.    


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